Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Robyn Hood 11

Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 8:00 AM

Robyn and Marian are going to Comic Con, no really, it’s true.  Issue number 11 of the series kicks off with Robyn and Marian having to take on a bevy of odd ball cases to keep their heads above water following a lawsuit, and of course the Cabal is still on their radar.

This issue starts with the duo interviewing a client who wants them to find a WARHAMMER which has cursed his family with among other things syphilis and boiling saliva.  The only problem is that the man has sold the cursed hammer on E-bay.  That makes sense.  First stop is the buyer, who has put it up for bid at the New York ComiCon.  But wait!  There is also a pack of werewolves looking to retrieve their mystic talisman.  Fortunately for them, it’s a comic convention, so they will blend in.  This is a delicious romp for anyone who has ever been to a comic convention.  Watching the pack members try to read the convention map was all kinds of deja vu.  Upon arriving in costume, our girls find out from the dealer that the hammer has been bought by a someone in a slave-girl Leia costume.  No problem, that narrows down their search to a few hundred people.  NO problem.

Werewolf pack in tow, Robyn and Marian catch up with the buyer, and as expected, all Hell breaks out.  It’s worth it to buy this comic, if for no other reason, to see Robyn dressed as Rosie the Riveter, beating a pack of werewolves to death with something that looks curiously like Mjolnir.  As usual, the series delivers great art, an involving ongoing story, a bit of romance, all with brightly colored breathtaking visuals.  The plot is predictably slim, but with the presentation you’ll barely notice.  The variant covers are the bomb.  Take AIM and BeWERE of MISSING the MARK on this issue.

For more information about Grimm Fairy Tales: Robyn Hood or other great titles from Zenescope, check out Zenescope.

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.


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