While Erica struggles to survive at the hands of a sadistic scientist, her biological parents race to save her. But as Erica's family history becomes clearer, her time grows shorter. However, she may have an unexpected ally within her prison walls.
"There's really nothing that can compare to being in the ocean. It's like flying!"
Erica you just said nothing compares to being in the ocean, and then in the same sentence you compared it to flying. So obviously there's something that compares to being in the ocean. Funny she should mention it, because reading this book is a lot like being in the ocean. An ocean of words that is. Even the king of Atlantis is a boring dude who talks to much. And don't get me started on the evil Sea Witch, who has a higher word count than the Declaration of Independence combined with The OJ Simpson court transcripts. Issue #3 of The Little Mermaid also suffers from a severe lack of things happening. The only action in this issue is the physical act of turning the page, although I read it on my laptop so I was denied even that small rush of adrenaline.
I love the art, but does every character have to be so beautiful? The good guys, the bad guys, the men, the women, they are all gorgeous. Why not have an ugly person in this comic? Especially the bad guys, it's hard to consider someone evil when they look like either Katy Perry or a member of One Direction. Except for me, ladies. I'm not evil, and I'm also a secret member of One Direction.
If you alphabetized every comic book publisher, Zenescope would be second to last, followed only by ZZZ. Visit them on their site or slap that like button on their Facebook.
Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.
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