A canadian family is watching the news in a living room that appears to be in the not too distant future. They are discussing the potential for the United States targeting them, the next thing they know, bombs are dropping and half the family is dead. Flash forward, the little girl is now a budding adult, eking out a modest living in the wilds of the Northwest territories. That is until she runs afoul of a combat drone and has to be rescued by a band of freedom fighters, possibly the last free Canadians. Add a giant United States robot, and one hellacious firefight to wrap up the inaugural issue of this promising series.
This will be a title that will engender intense love or intense hate. Given that Americans are egocentric about their nation, this could generate some bad blood with some readers. The art is very crisp and clean courtesy of Matrix storyboard artist Steve Skroce. The colors really brought out the fine lines of Skroce’s work, reminiscent of Brian Boland of Judge Dredd fame. The visuals he brings out are tight and tough. Some people might find the clean style a little off for a war drama, but it seemed to work in the first issue.
Rick Vaughn’s script left a little to be desired for me. I spent most of this issue feeling like I was waiting for something exciting to happen and even during the combat sequences, I still felt like I was waiting. Part of this is, that he falls back on time honored scenes for setting up a combat drama. Case in point, Amber is hunting a deer in the forest and comes on the combat drone, a scene I feel like I’ve been bored with a dozen times before. Then after she comes across the resistance fighters, they just happen to be attacked by a giant robot. This series does have promise, but may not yield much in the way of surprises other than the basic premise. One bright note in the script was the dialogue, which was crisp, interesting and involving.
Keep an eye on this one, it could be the sleeper hit of the summer. For more information about We Stand On Guard or other titles from Image, visit their website. Image Comics
Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.