Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rocket Salvage 2

Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 10:00 AM

When Primo Rocket finds out the alien and robot federation are gunning after him in search of a long-lost mythical weapon, he has no choice but to rope his family into an adventure across the galaxy to find the alien responsible. Too bad he is locked away in the most dangerous and impenetrable Kaijer Prison Planet known to man!

Fun fact: Yehudi Mercado is currently working with Marvel for a Guardians of the Galaxy mobile game. I would say that he’s a good choice for that project, considering Rocket Salvage is what Guardians of the Galaxy could be if Marvel wasn’t too busy trying to make Star-Lord look more like Chris Pratt. Poor Primo Rocket was a star lord, but an arrogance fueled racing accident set him on a crash course through hell. Now he must claw his way out of Prison Planet, using only scraps and what passes for a family in space to escape.

Bachan continues to illustrate this book with the finesse and talent of Alex Ross, if Alex Ross internalized Japanese culture and American cartoons instead of boring old paintings. There is a tremendous amount of talent behind every page of this book, is what I’m saying.

To buy Rocket Salvage immediately, go to Boom! Studios on their website or on Facebook. Alternatively, just yell at your local comic shop to carry their books if they don’t for some reason.

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.


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