The third issue of Mister X: Razed, by legendary comics creator Dean Motter, is here! In the retrofuturistic metropolis of Radiant City, its mysterious creator, Mister X, is trapped in a dangerous illusion that once broke a master magician, and a zombie invasion threatens the city!
Moving forward through this next part of the series, I wasn't sure if we'd see new mini stories or some new ones. Either would have been perfectly suitable with how the first two ended up going. After finishing up issue three of Mister X: Razed, it looks like I was right on both accounts.
The first half of this next issue in Radiant City shows us Mister X working late at night, ending up trapped in an old magician's trick. This dangerous contraption leads to a flashback telling of its history, and the current status of the magician and his former assistant. The second part of the book goes back to Rosetta Stone and her investigation of supposed zombie thieves. Or so they'd have you think, as we find out just what they are and who they work for.
Our familiar, classic noir art style that we've seen thus far is still used here as you'd imagine. It once again features more color than the first issue, but still a simpler look. It almost gives you an idea of reading old publications that would have been like this which is pretty neat.
While I'm still not the biggest fan of this series, it is not at all a bad one. Whether or not having no exposure to the main series is a hindrance is hard to say. I have a bit of trouble at first, but once it moves forward, it's a pretty decent book to have read.
For more on Mister X: Razed or other Dark Horse Titles, check out Dark Horse Comics.
Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.
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