Monday, April 27, 2015

Zombie Tramp Vol 3 Issue 10

Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 11:00 AM

Zombie Tramp faces a new monster of her own creation, when a Detroit meth maker cooks up a batch of her undead bath salts! Meanwhile it's chaos in the streets as the new drug has users turning into tweaker zombies! Plus Motor City's own resident bad girl, Vampblade, cuts in on the action!

Start with the queen of the undead.  Mix in an unexpected after effect of her taking a bath.  Add new players to the assortment of paranormal.  Splash in the fact that the queen of the undead is hot, and that about sets you up for the tenth ongoing issue of Zombie Tramp.

After spotting some zombies on a rampage, and ones she did not create, Janey sets off to see what their deal is.  Upon arriving at the scene, the gargantuan of the two catches her scent and rushes her, furiously blaming her for his existence.  Before being pommeled though, newcomer Vampblade (from the last issue cameo) slices and dices into their meeting.  Later that evening, Janey lures in hulk zombie to get more answers, but even with her powers cannot contain him.

With more new characters in this issue, we had some great new artwork to enjoy.  Between the designs of the characters themselves, as well as a pretty sick face off at the end, it was another solid book.  I can't wait to see more of Vampblade in action in later issues.  Oddly, Janey was not as alluring as usual, save for some bikini action.  Not that I look forward to that or anything. *cough*

Things are really getting intense now with this new uber zombie that can hold his own, as well as the still fairly mysterious Vampblade.  I really look forward to learning more about her, and of course seeing another possible fight with the big guy and Janey.  If you're just starting from her, the last issue, or completely, this is setting up for more and should continue to be purchased.

For more information on Zombie Tramp or other Danger Zone titles, check out Action Lab/Danger Zone.

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.


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