Sunday, March 22, 2015

Rocket Salvage 4

Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 8:00 AM

The Rocket family is split! With Zeta training under a mad scientist, Beta working under a local crime lord, and Primo stuck in a Republic of Galaxies prison, it's going to take more than a big wrench and an apology to get this family back together!

With just one issue left after this, I can already feel myself anxious to see how this ends.  As much as I've been hoping they might make more, I'm really not sure that they will with the way the story is going.  So, going into issue four of Rocket Salvage, I am going to continue to enjoy it while it lasts and see what happens.

The challenges have not been more difficult for the Rockets, with them being torn in three different directions.  Zeta is still trying to get her powers under control.  Beta has been swayed into helping out one of the bad guys.  And with this happening, Primo has been captured and has to use his crafty ways to get out and save his family.

I really have to mention the cover here first as far as art goes, because wow, it's just a beautifully done piece.  Not to leave the internal artwork without any love, that's been just as great as it's always been.  The pages for this book have been really awesome to follow along with since the beginning and has stayed strong throughout which says a lot about a title.

I'm definitely going to be sad once the next and final issue comes out.  Yet, I'm going to be quite pleased to have taken part in this super fun journey.  With just one book left, don't wait any longer to join in and grab the four out so far.

For more on Rocket Salvage or other Boom titles, check out Boom! Studios.

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.


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