Monday, May 6, 2013

Brian's Skullgirl Tee Wins Contest! Check it Out!

Posted by Katie on 10:34 AM

Summer is quickly approaching, and you're probably are in need of some new T-shirts right?  Lucky for you, a brand new shirt, designed by yours truly, just hit the market!  In partnership with Eighty Sixed Clothing and the hot 2D fighting game Skullgirls, the “Icons” shirt is available until May 9th.

This shirt was brought to life after being informed of the ongoing Salty Cupcakes Tournament.  Mike Z, creator of Skullgirls, announced that each Thursday, a new fan made Skullgirls shirt would be released.  Like other limited edition T-shirts you find online, these would only be around for that limited window before disappearing forever.  The opportunity was one I could not pass up with my passion for minimalist graphic designs and my love of Skullgirls  Thanks to the creative team at Eighty Sixed, mine was chosen this past Thursday.

For those that don’t know about Skullgirls, it’s a pretty amazing game.  With gameplay style more geared towards old school Capcom fighters and fantastic art designs, it’s one that everyone should experience.  One aspect of the project that I love most is all the community driven (and funded) new content that is being added.  With more characters, a soundtrack, and continual improvement on the game, it’s something worth getting behind.

So get your gaming shirt on and follow the link below to grab one while you can!  Remember, after May 9th, it’s being taken down and replaced by the next design!

For the best information on Skullgirls, check out Skull Heart Forums

For more information on the Salty Cupcakes Tournament, check out Eighty Sixed News

For more information on my artwork, check out Gotrei on Deviantart


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