Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Kickstarter/Indiegogo Spotlight: The Tribulations of Abaddon #1

Posted by Katie on 3:00 AM

A medieval adventure where warriors must join forces, caught in the center of an epic battle between angels and demons.

Welcome to the first issue of The Tribulations of Abaddon!

As humanity prospers and kingdoms grow, the balance of good and evil shifts into chaos when the demon Syria escapes from the dark bowels of Hell. On Earth, the Sumerian city of Larsa begins to consume itself as a demonic plague begins to spread at an overwhelming rate. Its defending warriors desperately strive to maintain their existence, and ensure their survival, by coming together. They overcome great odds as they fight for their lives, caught in the war between Heaven and Hell.

From the creator:

Hey everyone! My name is David Sandoval, and I am here to ask for your help in making the first issue of “The Tribulations of Abaddon” a reality. The journey to produce this fantastic tale has been a long one. I’ve been working on T.O.A. for a few years, and in the process of development I came together with a fantastic team of artists who have helped me create this labor of love.

This is where you can help. I’ve been personally funding the creative production of this book, but I can’t do it alone -- and producing the physical comic is a financial challenge in itself. We’re looking forward to getting this story out to comic fans everywhere, so we can show everyone what an epic adventure we’ve created. We’re hoping to find enough support to make this a successful Kickstarter and make the book happen. We’ve gotten some great reactions from our fellow creators, artists and fans in the industry, so we’re even more excited than ever about bringing this comic to you.

Meet the Cast of TOA: 

The Human Warriors
The Human Warriors

To check out more fantastic previews and what incentives are being offered, head on over to the Kickstarter page. We've worked with NAS Studios for ages now and can confidently say that you won't regret checking this one out or backing it. 


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