Monday, June 1, 2015

Realms: The Roleplaying Game Art of Tony DiTerlizzi HC

Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 11:00 AM

Depicting fantastical creatures, horrific monsters, and courageous heroes, Tony DiTerlizzi’s illustrations defined the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons, Planescape, and Magic: The Gathering in the imaginations of legions of devoted roleplaying gamers. This collection features never-before-seen artwork and photographs in addition to his most iconic roleplaying work.

"Like I said, it's never easy.  Sometimes all you need is a little faith.  Surround yourself with your adventuring party: the friends and family who encourage and believe in you.  More importantly, have faith in yourself.  Believe in the powerful magic inside you.  Take a chance and roll your dice - whether they are 20 sided or metaphorical.  You never know what luck they may bring you"

Tony DiTerlizzi
Amherst, Massachusetts

It isn't often I start off a review quoting a book, but this just struck a nerve with me.  Not only is that super inspirational as an aspiring artist, but it speaks to life in general as well.  Plus, he's from my home state which is awesome.  After having the pleasure of viewing Realms: The Roleplaying Game Art of Tony DiTerlizzi, it is but a small portion of what makes this such a spectacular book.

If you've ever been a D&D nerd (raises hand), you've probably seen some of Tony DiTerlizzi's amazing illustrations.  For those that haven't, you are in for a heck of a treat with this book crammed full of his work.  There is just something about going through this book that sends you to another place, and in a way, joining Tony's imagination.  Even just being an art book, it was a thrill ride better than most I've ever had.

I can't even put into words the gorgeous artwork that this book presents to us.  Even starting with just the cover, I fell in love, for both the quality of the art and her beauty.  Whether or not you are a fan of D&D, or even fantasy as a whole, you're going to adore this artwork.  With the kind of illustrations he brought to this genre, DiTerlizzi rolled a natural 20.

Regardless of what you're reading currently, this needs to be on your quest list.  Immediately.  It is more than worth its weight in gold, or silver or other such nerdy currency.  This absolutely needs to be looted, and stored in your inventory.  All play on words aside, you seriously need to buy this book.

For more on Realms: The Roleplaying Game Art of Tony DiTerlizzi  or other Dark Horse books, check out Dark Horse Comics.

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.


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