When the motley crew of Washington, Franklin, and Revere discover a sinister plot to enslave the free world, they must use their newfound powers to strike back—but not before they engage in battle with the spectral force of America’s first conquerors!
The second installment of Order of the Forge begins in the same action intense fashion as the first issue. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere, and Lady Kate realize that they have now been mystically connected by the lightning bolt that arced from Washington’s ax to each of them. Each has been bestowed with a gift, or possibly a curse from George’s enchanted ax. Kate relates to them that Lord Hammond has hatched a plan to take over the colonies for himself, and only the four of them can stop him by claiming the super weapon first. They set off on their quest, but before too long Hammond and his lackeys are on their heels. Insert epic battles, in every color of the rainbow.
Issue 2 picks up the pace a bit from the first issue, setting a roller coaster pace worthy of an Indiana Jones movie. Tazio Bettin delivers yet again, with masterful art, that captures the era, while at the same time delighting the senses with dazzling visuals. The magic when it comes into play, is bright and flashy. The fights are well paced, without becoming tiresome. This is a great fantasy epic set in colonial times, which will not disappoint.
The script delivers the same kind of rough and tumble thrill ride, yet somehow still takes the time to develop the story of the four friends. Washington and Kate deepen their relationship amidst the turmoil of their quest. Franklin and Revere are humorous, and larger than life. This title just gets bigger and bigger. Keep an eye on this one. The only really complaint I’d cite is that the dialogue is far too contemporary in places. While it works well with the tempo of the story, it does dispel the illusion of the time period.
For more about The Order of the Forge and other great titles from Dark Horse, visit Dark Horse Comics.
Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.
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