While Erica suffers at the hands of a psychopath, the Sea Witch reunites her parents and brings them one step closer to their daughter. She does all this for a seemingly simple price: the king's blessing. But Erica may not need saving, since she appears to have a plan of her own.
Things come to a predictable head in this book, and there is finally some degree of payoff. The mermaid tries to escape her prison and meanwhile, dad finds out she is in prison and this makes him mad. Apparently he traded knowledge of his daughter's whereabouts for a simple blessing, but this was irrelevant as she escapes without his involvement. Why is he even in this? All he does is talk about how sad he is and how little he understands his own job. I'm just not really a fan of the characterization in this book at all, four issues in and I don't care about any of these people.
At least there's finally some action in this one, as Erica grows some land legs and kicks mermaid ass for several pages. Of course, this awesome sequence is hindered by horrible internal narration and routinely terrible dialog between characters, but at least it's exciting! This mermaid's got some claws! Though I still don't really feel involved with the plot at all. So she was captured to make an army from her DNA? Why would a mermaid army be threatening? Just nuke them while they're swimming, it's easy. Make an army out of hawk people if you want to scare me. And of course the Sea Witch is up to no good, but she isn't even in this issue. I think the Sea Witch is the real villain of the series, and hopefully she will make her triumphant return to harvest the souls of surface dwellers. Long live the Sea Witch!
Zenescope is a comic book publisher, they published this book. I have a pretty awesome idea for a Humpty Dumpty reboot, but they won't return my calls. Visit them on their site or Facebook and tell them "Nathan's Humpty Dumpty is good and you should make it".
Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.
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