Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Rebels 1

Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 11:00 AM

In a rush of great public resistance to an oppressive and excessive government, a homegrown militia movement is formed in rural America. This is not 2015, but 1775. With the war for independence playing out across the colonies, young Seth and Mercy Abbott find their new marriage tested at every turn, as the demands of the frontlines and the home front collide.

Here we have something a little different than the usual fair.  Rebels is a historical fiction series set during the Revolutionary War and follows the exploits of Seth Abbott and Ezekiel Learned.  Seth and Ezekiel had been friends, since a chance encounter eight years prior.  The two of them have been fighting the British oppression from Albany ever since.  That’s pretty much the gist of this one.  I’m not entirely certain what kind of story this series is trying to convey, aside from two guys help fight the red-coats.  This type of story wouldn’t be my first choice for reading material, but that doesn’t mean it’s terrible.

The writing style rings true to the time period and the artwork gives the book that old, rustic feel.  History buffs will definitely enjoy this and can spend hours debating and picking out any historical inconsistencies that they find.  This is only the first part of this series, so I’m sure the action is just starting to get underway, as the Revolutionary War was a long, bloody affair.

If you need a break from all of the superheroing, then this one is definitely for you. The story is a much more grounded outing than most of the books currently available.  I can’t entirely recommend this one, but check it out all the same.  Heck, this just may become the sleeper hit of the year.  For more info on where to find this issue, visit the Dark Horse website, or the Dark Horse Facebook page.

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions belong to the individual reviewer.


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