Saturday, November 8, 2014

Dishonored: The Dunwall Archives HC

Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 8:00 AM

Having spent many an hour in front of the TV enjoying the game, I was pretty thrilled to crack open this book.  I was hoping for a similar treatment as other video game books I’d read lately, with stuff like behind the scenes and other production work.  That didn’t end up being the case with Dishonored: The Dunwall Archives, but regardless I still had a great time going through it.

For the most part, reading this book was almost like getting an abridged version of the game.  It’s almost like seeing in game readings, posters and other art without getting to play, which sounds a little weird.  The way that it is approached though is pretty neat, as if this was something residents of the world could read.  So in that aspect, it really does a great job of immersing you in the environment even if you know nothing about it ahead of time.

Although there isn’t a large amount of artwork within, what we do get to see is really quite great.  Some of the art that was included in the book has never been seen before, so that helps make up for the limited amount.  Anyone who hasn’t had any time with the game will get a nice sampling of the impressive visuals you’d get while playing.

To me personally, this book acted as more of a nice companion to the amazing content the game had to offer.  The majority of what I saw was really just a reminder of what made the game great which isn’t such a bad thing.   For those that have played, this will mostly just be a nice piece to collect as a fan.  New folks to the hit title though will benefit from getting a nice introduction to the world of Dunwall.

For more on Dishonored: The Dunwall Archives or other Dark Horse Titles, check out Dark Horse Comics.

Dishonored: The Dunwall Archives HC will be available 11/19

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.


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