Monday, June 29, 2015


Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 11:00 AM

Ollie’s dad is a superhero, and much like any other boy, he wants to grow up to be just like his old man.  The only problem is that Ollie was born with Downs Syndrome and congenital heart defects.  What’s a kid to do when he is faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles like this?  He take shortcuts, just like all of us do when faced with a goal that seems otherwise unreachable.  The only problem is that he may be putting his family at risk to realize his dream.

Metaphase is a heartfelt, tender coming of age story that will resonate with anyone who ever dared to dream.  The story starts out with Ollie’s birth and early years.  The trials and hardships that he and his family face just to keep him alive and healthy.  These are things that most people take for granted, but Ollie can’t.   It’s unclear, at first, whether this is worse for him or his super-powered father.  Then Ollie sees a commercial for a company that claims they can bestow superpowers on anyone by unlocking their DNA.  It’s the equivalent of the serpent from the garden of eden dangling the forbidden fruit, except in this case the apple is a tooth containing his father’s DNA.  Enter the evil mastermind who uses the DNA of the Sentinel to bestow himself with powers rather than Ollie, to rival the mighty sentinel.

Even the most casual reader can not escape what a powerful story Metaphase is.  We all have dreams like Ollie, and we all know that shortcuts can lead to disaster, but we are still tempted to take them nonetheless.  Reece’s story is an epic unto itself.  It is full of hope.  It is full of ill conceived desires to be more than you are.  It is also touching and all too human.  Without a doubt, this is a great book that is worth more than one read.   The art of Kelly Williams is understated, and just perfect for the concept, being larger than life when needed, and intimate when it really matters.  My one complaint is that the writer take a few short cuts to get the meat of the story out there.  The evil company, the fact that Ollie finally gets the powers he wanted, trying to protect his father.  Given the start of the tale I would have enjoyed a more complex and innovative source of conflict and resolution.

Beyond that however, this is a great comic that exceeds the simplicity of its genre, a must have labor of love from an imaginative writer.  Metaphase is yet another example of what an independent creator can do with the right backing.  This is a comic that is worth 5 times the cover price to read and enjoy.  It also enjoys a great pin-up gallery from other artists, giving a few different takes on the characters.

To get your copy of Metaphase or other great titles from Alterna Comics, point your browser to Alterna Comics

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.


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