Friday, May 1, 2015

Cow Boy Vol. 1: A Boy and His Horse

Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 2:00 PM

“Justice ain’t got no age.”

Nate Cosby (Pigs, Jim Henson’s The Storyteller) and Chris Eliopoulos (Franklin Richards, Misery Loves Sherman) present Cow Boy, the all-ages story of a young bounty hunter determined to send his entire outlaw family to jail. He travels the Old West on a horse that ain’t his, and won’t stop til every one’a his kin’s in the clink.

Good old stories of the rough and tumble from the Wild West are plentiful and loved by many.  Let me tell you, partner, this is not your typical John Wayne tale.  Not at all.  Last I checked, there are none anywhere like that of Archaia's Cow Boy, as you'll quickly see starting in Volume 1: A Boy and His Horse.

Boyd Linney is a man 10 year old boy on a mission to clean up a handful of bounties through the West.  They're not just any bounties, as he's set his iron sights on that of his own family members, starting with his own father.  Armed with his custom "pea shooter" shotgun, he does not take no for an answer, and shows no remorse for bringing in his kin.  Also scattered in between each story of his bounty trackings are some great super short stories by various creators.

I don't know what exactly it is about the artwork for this book, but I loved it.  It has more of the cartoony look to it, yet still packs quite a punch.  It's gritty, it's hard, yet it comes off with a lot of emotion underneath it all.  While Boyd is never slow on the draw with his words, the art is just as effective in speaking as loudly without having to say a thing.

Justice has no age, and neither does the fan base that this book can gather.  It doesn't matter how old you are, what kind of books you lean towards, this is one you'll enjoy.  This little guy has more attitude in his short stature than most adults, and he'll be very upset if you don't pick up this book.  Y'hear?

For more on Cow Boy or other Archaia titles, check out Archaia.

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.


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