Monday, December 1, 2014

Sherlock Holmes vs Harry Houdini 2

Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 9:00 AM

The world's most famous detective meets the world's most famous magician... and death ensues! Famed detective Sherlock Holmes and brash showman Harry Houdini must combine forces to defeat a mysterious mystic dedicated to destroying Houdini's career and killing anyone who gets in his way.

Anthony Del Col
Conor McCreery
Carlos Furuzono
Aikau Oliva
Rob Steen
Dynamite Comics

Writers Anthony Del Col and Conor McCreery knew they had hit gold with the relationship dynamic between Holmes and Houdini in issue one of this miniseries and it seems they've determined that will be the main draw for the rest of it. Its no so much that the series is lacking when the two aren't sharing a scene, its just that when the two central characters lock horns and verbally spar with one another it becomes a far more entertaining comic.

Furthering the events of last issue, the duo investigate a film studio, hoping that it may explain the appearance of the looming face and the suicide at the end of issue 1. If nothing else, it's an efficient use of plot, letting it simmer in the background whilst we get to enjoy these two larger than life personalities interacting.

It's not all fun and frolics through- time is taken to discuss the slightly worse aspects of both these characters. Though it's ultimately to show that the two are more alike than they would admit, their traits make them quite unlikable I liked this touch a lot, as Holmes has always been shown to have a somewhat caustic personality and from what I gather, Houdini wasn't friendly himself when incensed- this stops the comic from becoming a blind tribute to the greatness of the two that ignores the darker sides of their nature.

I haven't taken the time to mention much of the artwork because it's sort of just 'there'. The dimensions of some characters faces seems off a lot more in this issue than the last and characters proportions seem completely off in the odd frame or two. Now were this a more fantastical fare I would be able to forgive it, but as it stands, the story and the focus is on a more grounded world, so I can't excuse it, even if Aikau Oliva's colours are wonderful.

All in all, it's an issue driven more by the frisson of the two characters clashing off one another than anything spectacular plot or art wise. It results in some very fun dialogue, but be prepared for some disappointment over the everything else. Well, expect the colouring. That really is wonderful.

Cover image courtesy of Dynamite Comics

Sherlock Holmes vs Harry Houdini #2 is available from Dynamite Entertainment or your local comics retailer.

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this comic for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.


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