Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Star Wars: Dark Times Gallery Edition HC

Posted by Geek-o-Rama Admin on 11:00 AM

High quality scans of Douglas Wheatley’s original art, plus a feature not seen in other “artist’s editions”—the complete scripts from which Wheatley worked, allowing readers to see where he chose to stick to the script, or revise the art to better suit the story.

This fantastic collection of books from the Star Wars comics includes the first five issues making up the initial arc of the series.  Chronologically it is set sometime between Episodes 3 and 4, and does certainly include everyone’s favorite Sith, Darth Vader.  The primary focus though is of two other characters, a Jedi by the name of Dass Jennir and a reptilian alien Bomo Greenbark.  After fighting in a battle which they unfortunately lose, the bulk of the story follows their quest to find Bomo’s family who tried to escape.

Although I didn’t get the full effect of the book in its full art size (as I read the digital), the art was no less impressive.  The intense level of detail and overall pencil work with the pencils was amazing.  The job that Douglas Wheatley did here and I’m sure countless other books was spectacular.  I would definitely like to see it in the original size in the future, but was pleased to see it regardless.

Along with the great story and art, this gallery edition also offers something pretty rare with the complete scripts.  Not only does it obviously help understand the pages of art that doesn’t include any text, it lets the reader in on another side of the creative process.  Most people don’t get to see the original direction and the final product, especially in one place and it’s a special treat to have added.

Even if for some reason you’re not a Star Wars fan, or already read the book when it first got released, this is an experience nobody should miss.  I’ve admittedly read very few Star Wars comics, and this was a magnificent way to read another one.  This book is bound to be a worthwhile addition to many people’s collections and should be one to spend credits on.

For more on the Star Wars: Dark Times Gallery Edition HC or other Dark Horse titles, check out Dark Horse Comics.

Star Wars: Dark Times Gallery Edition HC will be available 11/5

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All thoughts, comments and opinions are those of the individual reviewer.


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