Sunday, August 18, 2013


Posted by Katie on 9:51 AM

An Almost Perfect Movie About an Imperfect Man
Submitted by Jim Smith

Steve Jobs is one of the people on my all-time heroes list.  It’s not because of Apple products.  Ironically, I am writing this review on a Microsoft Surface RT ™.  No, he is on my all-time heroes list because of his vision.  Other people looked around and saw the world as it was.  Steve Jobs looked around and saw the world as it could be.  He believed that if people were willing to work hard enough, they could, through the sheer force of human will, bend the universe to their vision of it.  What has Steve Jobs’ vision brought to us?  The iPod, iPhone and iPad are global leaders in consumer electronics sales (I have all three).

Thus, we are brought to this day, not even two years since his passing, the first biography of Steve Jobs has made its way to the big screen.  This movie, written by Matt Whiteley and directed by Joshua Michael Stern had a very modest budget at $8.5 million, and recouped almost that entire amount on its opening weekend.

The movie opens with a scene from 2001 where a very thin Steve Jobs is at an Apple Open House meeting for Apple staff.  In this meeting, he is announcing internally for the first time, the iPod.  The movie then flashes back to Reed College in the 70’s, when Jobs had dropped out of college.  It followed his life through his time at Atari (Jobs and Steve Wozniak designed the classic paddle game Breakout), the founding of Apple, Jobs’ ouster from Apple, and his return.   Now that you have the basics, let’s dive in to the good, the bad and the ugly.

Ashton Kutcher makes a passable Steve Jobs, but I didn’t think he captured the character.  Steve Jobs was notorious for being a hothead, and while we are treated to glimpses of this side of his character, it seems to be downplayed significantly.  The film makers had access to the actual locales where many of the events transpired, so the scenery was flawless.  Whiteley’s script doesn’t attempt to paint Jobs as an angel, though it just chooses not to focus on the negative aspect of Jobs’ character.  However, given that it was such a big part of his character, it probably should have been dealt with in greater detail.

In general, I would have to say that there was no bad in this movie.  A biography would normally be a snooze-fest for me, but the movie moves along and doesn’t get bogged down, keeping your interest.

Steve Gad as Woz. ‘Nuff said.

In the end, it was a great first tribute to Steve Jobs.  Sony has the options to make a film based on the Walter Issacson biography of Steve Jobs, and I am looking forward to that vision of the man who created the modern world.  If you fancy a different look at Jobs, TNT created a made for television movie about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates called Pirates of Silicon Valley which I highly recommend.  Rotten tomatoes gives Jobs a 25% fresh rating, but I think it is far better than they give it credit for.


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