Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Posted by Katie on 1:58 PM

”Ever looked out at the city,
the night embraced her like a lost friend,
below the silent gray mist rises like a ghost,
her refuge,
a 30th floor apartment,
her lover nameless,
dying on the floor behind her,
as she walks to the end of the balcony,
dangling her toes off the edge,


she cries as she pours the last few drops of wine,
into a glass..."

The Good: Here we have a new take on the age old Werewolf and Vampire story. In Angelwolf, there are well, angelwolves. These are angelic versions of werewolves, saved by God himself. We have a head vampire determined to destroy them and any/all remaining werewolves on the planet. It's a new take on an old war. Don't worry, for those Twilight scoffers, nobody sparkles and everyone is pretty kick butt.

The Bad: I'm not sure that I'm in love with the artwork in this book. While it tells the story, it has an almost unfinished feel to it. Of course, art is so subjective that someone else might love it. My other other issue with this book is an age old one when it comes to reviews. If you're going to publish a book, please make sure that you have someone who is good with grammar and spelling proofread it for you. This book wasn't overflowing with issues, but I caught at least three to four when reading it.

The Summary: Here's another book brought to you out of the genius that seems to live in and around Phoenix, Arizona. I have no idea what they're putting in the water out there, but they seem to grow comic writers and artists like giant pumpkins on the vine out there. This book might not be world record pumpkin big but it is certainly one I'd pick to carve for my front porch. If you'd like to know more about this book, check out their Facebook page.

Geek-o-Rama received a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All comments, thoughts and general ramblings are those of the individual reviewer. 


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