Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kickstarter of the Week: You Are Not Alone

Posted by Katie on 8:00 AM

A 150+ page anthology of hope with tales of overcoming bullying, homophobia, racism, depression and abuse. You Are Not Alone.
Over the past three years GrayHaven Comics has released over 17 editions of THE GATHERING anthology, one shots like THE DUNES, ARCHIVES and THE DARK and are about to launch the PHASE TWO mini-series.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE is our most ambitious project to date. This very special anthology (released in trade paperback size) will feature the work of nearly 100 comic book creators from small press talent to pros like Raven Gregory, Dirk Manning, Patrick Shand, Gail Simone and Len Wallace. Once again new and upcoming creators will have an opportunity to see their work published alongside some fantastic pro creators for an important creative cause.

To those who have suffered in silence facing abuse because of the color of your skin, sexual orientation, weight, or interests. To those who are depressed and feel there is no place left to turn...YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Along with our own money that's been allocated for the project, successful funding of this Kickstarter will allow us to print upwards of 1000 copies of the book.

Why We're Doing This

What good is having the ability to reach people with our stories if we can’t put that to use in a beneficial way?

It goes beyond the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary School. It goes beyond the victims of Aurora. This is not about gun violence or gun control. This is not a political statement. This is a statement of being good to your fellow man.

This is about a 14 year old boy who took his own life after being bullied for coming out to his friends and classmates.

This is about a young African American who was tied to a locker at his High School as classmates taunted him with cheers of ‘slave for sale’

This is about the 11 year old developmentally challenged child who was held down on a kitchen table by four adults who took turns beating him.

This is about the victims of physical abuse and others like them

This is about the children who are ridiculed or worse because of the color of their skin. Their sexual orientation. Their mental capacity. Their weight. Their interests.

This is about the children who no longer feel safe going to the movies or to school.

This is about the millions of kids who suffer abuse and suffer in silence thinking that no one cares.

This project is designed to show that we hear you. People care. WE CARE. And what they can do to get help.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE is a very special Graphic Novel Anthology featuring stories inspired but not based on real life events like the ones mentioned above. With this book we hope to give people the means to get help and know what to do should they ever witness or face such situations themselves. .

To learn more about this Kickstarter, please go to: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1429812861/you-are-not-alone-1

Editor's Note: As someone who has survived rape as well as various types of abuse and the mother of a special needs child, this Kickstarter is close to my heart. Please, go over and help them reach their stretch goals. The more we give, the more the word can get out that none of us are alone in this world.


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